Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Todays show is brought to you by the letter F and the number 69

It's easy to be angry at the Sharks for losing. It's easy to scream obscenities and and almost hurl your remote at your new TV. And it's easy to turn to hard liquor to dull the pain and cry yourself to sleep (too easy actually). But none of that helps anyone, least of all the police who are called out to a domestic dispute only to find one guy alone naked and crying. All is not lost however, See I was at a team meeting after the game, and Dick Muir had some great advice. I think things are going to be alright, here's it is

Hey guys, tough game out there, I know things didn't go our way. Yeah Ruaan, I know that kick went over but crying isn't going to fix it, look John's got ice cream over there, why don't you get some, you'll feel better. Now I've made some notes on things that we can look at over the week. No Adie, don't look at me like that, it's not a criticism as such, it's more like a few fun ways we can learn and play at the same time

Tip number one, Line outs. The whole point behind a line out is that when the opposition kicks the ball out, you get a slight advantage by throwing the ball into the line out. But the funny thing about that, is that you actually need to throw at one of your guys, not the other guys. To make it easy, look down at the shirt you're wearing, then throw the ball at a guy wearing the same shirt. See John, if we do it that way your friend can give the ball back to you, unlike the mean 'ol other boys that run away with it.

Tip number two, Holding onto the ball. Rugby is the game where you run with the ball and hold onto it as long as you can, preferably until you touch it on the ground behind the try line. Bowling, on the other hand, is the game where you run with the ball then throw it forward to knock down some pins. please be sure and ask me, the ref, one of the fans, anyone at all, which game it is being played on the day, because I noticed quite a few of you guys rocketing the ball ahead, and you looked sad when there were no pins, and when you're sad, I'm sad.

Tip number three, Tackling. And I am as much to blame for this as you are. Starting now, no more touch rugby at training, I can see how it can be confusing. See the thing is, and I probably didn't say this enough, but in the real game when you touch the guy with the ball, he doesn't have to stop.

So just to reiterate, I'm not mad at you guys, you're still my special little guys. And always remember, if you go out there and have fun, and try your best, and be a good sportsman you're already a winner. Now, whooooo wants pizza? haha I thought so, come along guys.

Posted by CounterRuck @ 3:43 AM

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What the fuck was Steyn doing during that game, can someone please tell me. Running around the entire game like he was Tim Horan, Joe Roff, Chris Latham and James Small in one. Problem is he's worse than Hentie Martens on crack!

He pissed me off so much aimlessly kicking the ball and not thinking before acting!

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ April 6, 2007 at 10:21 PM #

I absolutely agree Mike. He's a talented youngster, But right now he's acting like hardon, all balls and no brains. Running into 4 guys with no support, drop kicking from everywhere. I guess there is such a thing as too much confidence.

Posted by Blogger CounterRuck @ April 6, 2007 at 11:32 PM #
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