Monday, March 12, 2007

the ultimate half-assed update.

I can only but apologize for the lack of updates, you see, I hauled all my shit from one end of the island to the other, like those lovely people from LOST I have braved weather, terrain, and the OTHERS (blues fans). to bring you this update. I 'm going to go on record and say that Auckland games should be considered home games for all SA teams. I have been here 4 days and I have met TEN South Africans. Fucking TEN!?! I didn't even meet that many when I was in Durban. But that's a good thing. In Wellington I fought a lonely battle against African sporting oppression, I have only just linked up with the rest of the resistance. Though I'll probably find out they're all Stormers fans and they'll hate me more than they hate the Kiwis.

No time for a weekend roundup, Stormers sucked again, Lions didn't suck, but were below par. Sharks were incendiary (it's a word!), and the Bulls were.......... well, Bulls. Habbana made a welcome cameo though. good for him I say, good for him.

Posted by CounterRuck @ 5:18 PM