Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Stop..... Hammer Time.

M.C. Mallet has been given the authority to make all rugby related decisions at Western Province Rugby Union. Uh huh... so that leaves what? lunch decisions, fashion decisions, which hand to jerk off with decisions? What are the other 40 000 executive employees going to do with their time? I just don't see it. In South African bureaucracy you will never see just one man in charge, there is usually a comity, run by a board, who's decisions are appealed by an enquiry task force. Fucking democracy, the commies had the right idea. Also I hardly ever believe what this douche says.

I know Mallet has done a lot of great things, he won over hearts in Paris, he did a knock out job coaching the Boks (Except for the Teichman incident, which we no longer speak of) but come on. Is he going to turn the woeful Stormers around? If he had ten years and unlimited resources, it'll still just be Breyton Paulse stealing tries from his "teammates" and Luke Watson scowling because someone somewhere fucked up and now it's 3 points. The biggest problem with the Stormers? The franchise has more ego than a full season of "Entourage" everyone wants personal glory, and couldn't give a fuck about the guy next to him. Ironically then you look at the Cheetahs, the proverbial Yin to the Stormers Yang. They're performing out of their skins, each player thinks only of the game in front of him and the players around him. They don't care about their Nivea for Men endorsement deals, or in what color to get that fabulous SUV. They're just rugby players, no more no less. How can I prove this? Even Marius Joubert looks like a team player in this team, whereas at the Stormers he was the biggest Diva of all.

Good luck Mr. Mallett, I don't know how you plan on fixing this little mess, but what ever you do, don't cut Paulse, because then I'd have nothing to write about.

Posted by CounterRuck @ 5:55 PM