Sunday, February 25, 2007

half assed update.

This is not one of those situations where I say I'm going out for a pack of smokes, and then never return. Leaving you questioning your worth, and later in life turning strippers and alcohol for comfort. I do have a reason for the lack of updates. You see, I am currently mid move between Auckland and Wellington, trading wind for rain in the process. once I'm all set up it will be back to sarcasm and gratuitous nudity.

Even though my TV is half way up the north Island, I still managed to follow the Lions in an unlikely win, the Hurricanes doing their thing at the end of the game (again). And the Stormers getting corn holed (again)

Speaking of the Stormers, They're in my 'hood at the moment, I saw Brent Russel walking back to his hotel, Gerrie Britz, JD Moller, and Francois Van der Merwe heading to Starbucks (Capitalist swine!!) and Juan Harris was Looking for a new phone at an electronics store. (coming to NZ to buy a phone, is like going to the Amazon to buy a car.....a fucking stupid idea.) That was dig at NZ, Juan, not you, you're huge. What this also means is that the enigma that is "Breyton Paulse" is in town. I am determined to get an interview. Even if I have to sneak into his hotel room.

P.S. The Lions dancers are driving me NUTS!!

Posted by CounterRuck @ 7:43 PM